THE recent allocations for education in the budget for 2011-2012 of Sindh (Rs26.80 billion) and Punjab (Rs64 billion) have shown an increase in the education sector. It shows a rise of 15 per cent in Sindh.
However, the fact is that education, despite being on the top priority of each government, practically has not been seen in deprived and wanted areas. Progress is being made but at snail’s pace. So we remain in the position of mark time.
This status quo, though, has never been compromised by the people at the helm of affairs and that is why education, despite its slow progress, always remains a top priority. As a vibrant nation, we are alive to a low literacy rate in the country.
In every subsequent annual budget, therefore, an increase in the allocation of education sector is reflected.
Unfortunately, owing to the telling factors from time to time in the country, the education budget could seldom be utilised in full.
The other factor is that poverty in the country has continued unabated over many decades, therefore the parents, mostly illiterate ones, prefer their children to start doing menial jobs instead of sending them to schools.
Education for all is good, but now the time has come for schools to disseminate quality education. Media and computer in unison have immensely given a great boost to information and knowledge, now easily accessible to many in the country.
In the teaching and learning process new thoughts, approaches and attitudes are being developed rapidly every now and then. Schools can occupy an important place, leading to the spontaneous growth and prosperity of a country if curriculum, textbooks and teaching methodologies are up to date.
Quality schooling for the young ones is essential to create an understanding of the country’s real problems, filtering the process for betterment.
Different segments of society are coming forward in the propagation of education, and some of the chains of reputed educational organisations have set a praiseworthy standard for quality education.
It is pertinent that the HEC, provincial education departments, universities and boards should monitor education activities in the country with the latest techniques and tools. Education needs priority at all times.
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